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Waiting for Flight

Covid-19 Countries Entry Travel  Restictions 


The end  of pandemic  makes us want to travel like before. Do plan and get information before making any bookings to make sure that your

travel plan goes smoothly. Check out the info on Covid-19 entry travel restrictions here.

Tips & Information to on choosing Cruise(Cabin).

Check out this video to get tips and  information.

Scams and Pickpockets


Barcelona, Rome, London, Amsterdam, Athens, Paris, and Madrid are well known for their histories and old buildings but not to forget about THE SCAMMERS & THE PICKPOCKETS. Most of them are professionals and work in a group. Watch this video to avoid being scams or pickpockets.

Travel Safe

Travelling is more enjoyable when you’re insured against the unexpected – be it lost passports or flight delays. We provide a travel insurance cover directly for you and your family members with access to a medical services hotline no matter where you are. So whether you’re an occasional traveller or a global jetsetter, there’s a plan for you.We'd love to hear from you

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AirPlus Travel Services Sdn Bhd
(Co-No 188169-U) (KKKP No:2042) No 5-1 Jalan Wangsa Delima 10, Wangsa Link, Wangsa Maju 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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